Hi everyone!
My name is Aleks, and I'm an aspiring YouTuber for anything that has to do with fashion and beauty.
The reason I'm creating this blog is to be able to write out my feelings and such, and move on past just the fun and flashy beauty world. I'll be writing posts about things relevant to my life, so to let you know a bit about myself, so I thought I'd share a bit here.
I'm 18 years old. Almost. My birthday is on the 27th of December (I was born in the year 1995), so I'm always the last for everything when it comes to being able to get your license, being able to vote, all those things that come with age.
PS: Even though I could've gotten my G1 (the first level of getting your license in Ontario) about 2 years ago, I have yet to go get that done due to basic laziness. It's not healthy and my mother never ceases to repeat this to me on a daily basis. Sorry, mom :)
I live in Ontario, Canada. No, I don't have the typical Canadian accent, I have my strong Serbian roots to thank for that.
I'm currently attending University, doing my undergraduate studies, but my main goal is to eventually get to law school. Being a Corporate Lawyer is my dream. I even got the name of "Supreme Scammer" because of how good I was in mock negotiations. Long story, I might get to it someday.
I've been watching YouTube videos since they came out, but my first memories include watching videos about Ella Fitzgerald in music class in Grade 6, as well as hearing about funny videos via my friends, including Smosh's first really viral one about a brick being a stepstool? I forget the name, and then the Muffins and Shoes videos done by that one guy. Those were the days.
Do you see what I mean about life? I often stray off of one topic, and lead into the other, so I created this blog to be able to express my opinion about things going on in life, or just let you know about interesting or funny things that I encounter.
Don't get me started on embarrassment. I constantly embarrass myself on a daily basis, so many blog posts are sure to come out of that in order to get them off of my chest.
My favourite TV show at the moment is... I don't really know. I guess it could come down to Criminal Minds, or The Carrie Diaries. I am LOVING Girl Code recently, I really want to be apart of that panel, I think I'm a pretty funny person, though my brother often tends to disagree with me there.
I would be downright lying to you if I didn't tell you about my secret obsession for reality TV shows. I know, they are not what most people call "quality TV" but I love watching average people doing crazy things.
Beauty School Drop Outs has to come in at number one, those damn British people (with the exception of one Irish fella) are constantly cracking me up. I think it comes down to me wanting to be more outgoing in life and such.
You see, I've always been shy, and though I do act more confident now, taking drama throughout high school really helped, deep down, I'm still shy. My next blog post will be about this, so I'll leave that there.
By this point, I'm sure people have given up on reading, and I don't resent them for this, I'd have stopped reading the first sentence. I don't have a very long attention span, though I like to fool myself into thinking I do. Just like how I fool myself into thinking I'm not an awkward human being, but I am.
Oh well, that's that, I guess.
I don't know what else to let you know about me, I guess it'll come out at different points in this blog. I am constantly reminding myself of one story through another, I was recently talking to my friend about YouTube and I jumped to making a picture frame for Father's Day in grade 3.
Anywho, I'm off to write that post, I'm getting somewhat inspired.
Thanks to those who've made it this far, and I will hopefully talk to you very soon!
Aleksandra xx
PS: I'm trying to act all cool and mysterious and cheeky and flirty and cute, with those "xx"'s at the end of my name, so please play along :)
oh god, this is going to be one of those posts I look back on and get embarrassed. Oh well.
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