Monday, December 23, 2013

Dreams & Sleepwalking

Hello everyone!
First off, I promise that the next blog post will be fashion/beauty related, the weather was awful today and since I don't have good artificial lighting, I couldn't post pictures with the best quality possible.

For now though, I'll be talking about dreams.

I'm that one friend you have where they constantly tell you about their dreams. I think that this might bore my friends at times, but I keep it pretty interesting.

I don't know about you guys, but I get VERY strange dreams, but they all seem to kind of come back and make sense to what is currently going on in my life. I go through times when I have very many dreams, sometimes up to 5 per night, and then sometimes I don't have/remember my dreams for a good week or so. That's another thing, I'm really good at remembering my dreams, which actually comes in handy because I usually research the meanings behind it.

I know it may seem like mumbo-jumbo, but I truly believe that our dreams have meaning behind them, and I always want to find out what they mean. I studied Psychology in high school, but we barely touched on the dreaming aspect, and because my University doesn't offer a Psychology course (weird, right?), I am left to rely on the internet and learn from there.

I also tell my mom my dreams, and she sometimes has these kind of legends told from generation to generation of family members about what dreams are about and what they mean. Her mother told her these stories that were passed on from her mother, and so on.

For example, I had this one dream about a year back, a couple of months after I had first moved into my new house. In the dream, we had found another house we liked, and moved again, right across the street from the old house. We went into the backyard and all of a sudden, there was a bunch of water flowing in, kind of like a wave. It kept rising in the backyard until it had stopped about waist height, and it made the backyard into a swimming pool. I distinctly remember the water being chlorinated, and it felt like an actual pool in the backyard. I told my mom about the dream the next day, because I thought it was funny and weird, and she asked me about whether or not the water was clean. It was odd that she had asked me that, because I had distinctly smelt the aroma that the water gave off and it was clean, chlorinated, pool water. She told me that having a large amount of clean water in your dreams is a sign that there's trouble in your life at the moment, but just like the clear water, you're going to be able to overcome whatever you are facing. It gets weirder - I had actually been doing really poorly in one of my subjects in school, and my mark was not where I had wanted it to be. The next couple of days, we had gotten a test back that we had done a week ago, and I had done a lot better than my past tests. Now, this could be a coincidence, but I don't know, it's just something cool, and I feel like we're our own psychics, telling ourselves what the future holds, but in a little code, through a dream.

Something that often comes up in my dreams is the death of a loved one, and sometimes even my own death. Now, I usually follow up on what my mom says, which is that you're just prolonging that person's life in the real world. I searched up what popular websites have to say, and it always comes down to yourself and how you are kind of transforming into a new person, and if a loved one dies in your dreams, there's aspects about them that you want to embody yourself. I haven't had any recent dreams about this topic, so I can't accurately tell you if any of this has happened to me, but let me know if it related to you!

(I also find it really weird how dreams can seem like they last for ages but in reality, they usually last from a couple of seconds, to a couple of minutes, really trips your brain up thinking about this.)

Moving on from just dreaming, I'm going to discuss sleepwalking. Yes, I've walked in my sleep, and I'll tell you the stories in a second. I wanted to research why I walk and talk in my sleep, and I've come across Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Cycles. The brain prompts us to sleep through natural cycles of activity within the brain, that occurs in two states: REM and Non-REM sleep. Non-REM sleep is usually what comes first, and is the state that is most active during sleep, leaving REM with a short period of time at the end of our sleep.  Dreams usually occur during the short REM state, so this explains how dreams only last such a small amount of time.

Back to sleepwalking, it happens in the third/fourth stage of the Non-REM state, which are deep-sleep stages, and is commonly known as slow-wave sleep. I guess I'm in this stage quite often, seeing as I tend to sleepwalk quite often. It's happened in the past more-so than now, but who knows? The only reason I know that I sleepwalk is because my Dad hears something from his bedroom, and when he goes to investigate, it's me doing something.

The first time that I've been told that I sleepwalk, and the first time my Dad has experienced this, was when I woke him up in the middle of the night, frantically searching for my brother's brother. I only have one brother, so I don't know where this had come from. He replied by telling me that he was in my bed, and that I should go there too. I was visibly relieved and I stalked back to my bed.

People who sleepwalk have their eyes open, so it may not look like the person is sleepwalking, and I guess the only reason to know is because the person doesn't remember what had happened the following day. Had the person not been sleepwalking, they probably would've remembered what they said/did. ALSO: If you see someone sleepwalking, do NOT touch them in any way, they could wake up in this state, and go into a state of shock because they don't know what's happening. The best thing to do is to either tell them how to get back to bed and convince them that they should, or to gently lead them back to bed by their elbow, making as little contact as possible.

Anyway, another time that I had walked in my sleep, was about 2-3 days before I was supposed to head off on a trip with school. My Dad woke up when he heard shuffling in the living room. He had gotten up to see me, packing my suitcase, mumbling about how I was going to be late for my trip. He had told me that he would continue packing and that I could go back to bed. I had ended up doing so, and my Dad went back to bed. The funny thing is, my Mom sometimes talks in her sleep, and it just so happened that an hour later, my Dad woke up to my Mom saying how I had left for my trip. He was freaking out because he thought that I had walked in my sleep again, but this time left the house. Oh dear, the things my Dad has to live through. See, if I was in his situation, and I saw walking in the middle of the night as creepily as I had, I would freak out and not even think that they could be sleepwalking. 

Other than those and other minor ones, I don't know if I've done this ever again. I can't remember, and if someone isn't awake to see me, it might as well have never happened. Though one time I went to bed, completely cuddled up under my covers, only to wake up the next morning, lying on top of a well-made bed. I guess I made my bed in my sleep? Who knows?

So those are some things I do when I sleep. I have MANY many many stories about dreams, so don't hesitate to ask if you want to hear them! We all dream, so I hope this helped you guys out in some way to see why we do the things we do!

Thanks for reading, sweet dreams!

-Aleksandra xx

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