Monday, March 17, 2014

Celebrities and Why We Idolize Them (ft. Iggy Azalea)

Hey Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of posts. I see all these amazing bloggers and I just want to do a bunch of fashion blogging, but I don't have the resources (AKA a good camera) at the moment, so I'm just going to do whatever I want for now!

PS: I already made a video about this, but I'm going to go a bit more in depth here, if you care to read?

This past week, something out of the ordinary happened, but it's not earth shatteringly amazing. I saw that Iggy Azalea's new album, The New Classic, (Which you can pre-order here) finally was released for pre-order in Canada. I noticed that she was #5 on the Canadian Rap & HipHop charts, and decided to tweet about my excitement. As I said in my video, my tweets usually go into the Twitter abyss, and nobody pays attention to them. Not a minute later, I see a couple of people favouriting and retweeting this one tweet. I was confused, but I had hashtagged the album name, so I figured people just saw it from there.

No. Not at all.

Iggy Azalea herself retweeted me, and I almost lost my shit, but I kept my cool, seeing as I was in the middle of a lecture in school. My first thought was that she had retweeted everyone, but nope, only a couple of other people. I don't think my tweet really stood out, it was pure luck, I tweeted it at the right time, when she refreshed the page (most likely). 

Even though I would love to think she was already on my page and just loved me and thought she would retweet something. Boohoo, it's not that.

I am in love with Iggy, listen to this song whilst you're reading this, it's her new song 'Fancy' featuring Charli XCX whom I also love and adore (Go check out her EP)

This is the first time a celebrity had retweeted me, I had only gotten a couple of replies from Icona Pop before (pre-100k followers). I felt special for a couple of minutes, and I started to wonder why. Why do we freak out when this person does this little thing that "acknowledges our existence"? Why didn't I flip when 20 other people retweeted me? I was full of questions, but no answers.

I've never been head over heels for a celebrity (with the exception of Harry Styles but then again, who isn't?), and I've only tweeted them a handful of times, but never along the lines of "HARRY STYLES GIMME SOME OF YOUR GRAVY", I am not thirsty.

This post has gone to shit, so if you've stuck around 'til now, you're my new best friend.

So thinking about why we put celebrities on this pedestal brings me back to why they appear in my dreams sometimes. We admire them, and the things they've achieved, and we sort of want to be like them. This, of course, is for the most part, sometimes I will thirst follow a celebrity on twitter just because they're cute, even though I know nothing about them (*cough* Dylan O'Brien *cough*).

The media brings so much attention to these people that are truly just like us, and they become so out of touch and far away from us. Thinking about it, I know many boys that look just like the boys from One Direction, but do I give them a second glance? No. I wonder if one of them became famous, would everyone who knew them from before look at them any differently? Probably. It's all about the hype, and if something gets hyped, everyone attaches said item/person like a leech. 

Given the attention, celebrities also have so much influence over us, and could probably command us to do horrible things. I once read a post that said something along the lines of  "If Justin Bieber ordered his fans to assassinate someone, they probably would form a plan and go through with it." This is so true, how many times have you purchased a song or something else that your fave celebrity "recommended" through twitter? I haven't really, but I'm sure many other mega-fans have.

This post has gone on for far longer than I intended, and if you've made it this far. Congrats, your interest in what I have to say is tremendous, or your attention span is longer than that of a goldfish, whichever one you prefer.

Also, I've noticed that on every comment I make/reply to on YouTube, I add "xx" at the end. I have officially turned into THAT girl. I apologize if you find it obnoxious, but my fingers now naturally just go towards that 'x' on the keyboard and I can no longer help myself.

I hope you're all doing well, and I will talk to you soon!

-Aleks xx

See what I mean? I didn't mean to type that on the end, it just happened.

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