Hey Everyone,
I'm almost done my first year of university, and I want to reflect on my experience. This is more for me, I guess, looking back maybe 5 years from now and seeing what I was like and what I was experiencing in the past. I've never kept a diary, so this is the next best thing.
I'm currently sitting in one of the many areas in my school to just study/socialize/eat. I have an empty Second Cup drink next to me, I'm far too lazy to throw it out, I'll do that when I get up to get to my next class. I'm listening to music, just going through things on the internet - as per the usual with me.
I recently was thinking about where I'm going with my life. Yes, I plan to be a lawyer one day, but until I go into law school, I just get a degree in any major I want. I'm doing Sociology, and i'm taking a bunch of random courses just to complete requirements. I sat down and thought about what I'm learning, and to be honest, I can't tell you. None of what I'm doing now is going to matter if I plan on actually being a lawyer. I am essentially wasting 4 years of my life (not to mention thousands of dollars) on an education that will essentially not matter and be non-existent in a matter of 5-10 years.
I've talked about this with my friend, and I've found that I'm not the only one who feels like this. Not only do I feel like I'm wasting away and learning nothing, I feel like I don't have a life in a sense. What do I do? I study, and procrastinate. I'm not doing anything crazy, as I see a lot of people doing. My dream is to explore the world, and while I am working to achieve the means to be able to do so one day, I feel like I'm only young once, I want to experience the world NOW.
I'm hoping to do a Study Abroad next year, and live somewhere on my own and just be my own person for once. I don't live on campus, and maybe that has something to do with my feeling this way. I still feel somewhat dependant on my parents, especially because I'm living at home and I don't have to worry about rent and bills to pay, just support my own "wants" which include clothes and any sort of luxury items.
I know a lot of people are going through the same thing, but sometimes I just feel so down, and upset that I'm not doing anything with my life. I am very happy and I understand that it is a privilege to go to University, a lot of people don't. I guess I just want to make my family and friends proud of me, and that sort of adds pressure to get amazing marks, and I find myself sometimes falling behind with things. I have to learn to understand that everything I do is for myself, and I shouldn't make choices depending on who else will be happy, but if I will in turn be happy.
This is yet another post that has gone to shit, but there we go, I just wanted to rant a little about that. I can't wait to read this once I've finished my undergrad, and see how different I am, if I am at all.
If you've read thus far, prove it by commenting and letting me know your thoughts on your own Uni experience. I would love to know what other people think :)
-Aleks xx
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